Monday, 10 June 2013

Grad Trip!

Hi everyone,

Wow - the Grad Trip is only a couple of days away!  We will be going over all safety precautions in place with students, but we ask that you go over safety and etiquette with your children before Thursday's trip.  We love taking our Grade 8s to Niagara Falls, and want to make sure that all students have a positive, fun experience.

Track and Field areas are tomorrow - several students will be attending as participants or helpers.  The remaining students in our classes will be sent to various Grade 6 and 7 classes in the school so that Mr. Bax, Mr. Sauve, and I can be freed up to go and run the area event.  Bax and Skelton students will meet me at my portable (P900) in the morning for attendance and then head to their classes for the day.
In the event that you and your child agree that your child is going to stay home, we ask that you please call Safe Arrival and let the office know of your child's absence.  Thank you!

More information regarding Graduation will be coming home soon - mark June 25th on your calendars!

Have a great night,
Miss Skelton :)

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